Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts
Thank you for your submission.
Abstracts submission system for general speakers has been closed.
Abstract Submission Period
January 26th(Thu)
May 8th(Mon)at noon (JST)
※There will be no extension after May 8th(Mon)at noon (JST)
Important Notice
AOS2023 is going to be held as an onsite congress.
Please be noted that presenters are required to be present at the venue on the day of their presentation. Otherwise, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the program.
Abstract Requirements
Total number of characters for Abstract Title:
Within 200 characters including spaces
Total number of characters for Abstract Body:
Within 2,000 characters including spaces
Total number of Authors:
Up to 15 authors
(including the first author and co-authors)
(including the first author and co-authors)
Total number of Institutions:
Up to 15 institutions
All abstracts are required to be written in clear English.
All abstracts must be submitted online through the AOS2023 official website.
The abstract body/text should be structured into the 4 sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Ensure that your abstract is grammatically correct and free of typographical errors.
Same abstracts submitted for JSCO2023 cannot be submitted for AOS2023 (vice versa).
How to Submit Abstracts
When submitting abstracts, authors are required to choose:
1. Session you wish to apply for
01. AOS Symposium
02. AOS Oral Session
2-1. Lecture Topic (in case you selected “01. AOS Symposium”)
01. | Recent Clinical Trial Design in Asian Countries - including Digital Transformation |
02. | Cancer genomics in Asian countries |
03. | Cancer immunotherapy in Asian countries |
04. | AI oncology in Asian countries |
05. | Current status of robot-assisted surgery in Asian countries |
06. | Current status of minimally invasive surgery (non-robot) in Asian countries |
07. | Optimization of the system of medical care and research for hereditary tumors |
08. | Current status of radiation oncology in Asian countries |
※ The author who selected “01. AOS Symposium” can choose whether to apply for “02. AOS Oral Session” if not accepted as AOS Symposium.
2-2. Category (in case you selected “02. AOS Oral Session”)
01. | Up to date Gastric cancer/esophageal cancer treatment |
02. | Up to date Colorectal cancer treatment |
03. | Up to date Hepato-biliary pancreatic cancer |
04. | Up to date Breast cancer |
05. | Up to date Radiation oncology |
06. | Up to date Gynecologic cancer |
07. | Up to date Urological cancer |
08. | Up to date Lung cancer |
09. | Up to date Head and Neck cancer/Brain Tumor/Oral cancer |
10. | Up to date Palliative Care |
Best Oral Presentation Award
The applicant should be a participant who presents at AOS Oral Session.
The applicant must pay the registration fees and attend the meeting onsite.
The chairs will grade each presentation and choose the best one in a session, and total of 45 awardees will be selected.
The awardees will receive a certificate as the sign of their achievement.
About Encore Abstract
The 3rd International Congress of the Asian Oncology Society accepts encore abstracts.
Please select whether your abstract is encore abstracts or not.
If you submit encore abstract, please keep to the following points in mind.
- Please make it clear in your abstract that this is an encore submission.
- If there is an issue regarding copyright, it is the responsibility of the presenter to obtain permission.
- Please be noted that the submission deadline of encore abstracts is same as the general abstracts: April 26th (Wed) at noon, JST.
Moreover, if the copyright holder is a society or a publisher, it should be noted at the end of the abstract together with the bibliographic and other information of the original abstract that it has been published with permission.
About COI
Please refer to the page below.
Notification of Acceptance
The program committee will make the final decision on the acceptance of abstracts. Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent by e-mail to the first author at late August.
Copyright of Accepted Abstracts
The copyright of all accepted abstracts will be transferred to AOS.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the registration date or does not present at the presentation date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the program.
Online Abstract Submission System
Click the “Abstract Submission” button to newly start your abstract submission.
You can edit the submitted abstract from the “Edit the Submitted Abstract” button anytime until the submission period is over.
Please note in advance that you will not be able to save the data in middle of the submission procedure.
Encrypted text-based (recommended)
Plain text-based