Disclosure of COI (Conflict of Interest)
Industry-academic collaborative clinical oncology research entails benefits to society (public interest) from the fruits of discharging academic and ethical responsibility, as well as money, status, rights, and other benefits (private interest) acquired attendant on industry-academic collaboration. When these two types of benefit are in conflict within an individual researcher, it is called a "conflict of interest". The occurrence of conflict of interest is unavoidable in today's complex social activities, and legal restrictions apply to certain activities.
From JSCO Annual Meeting in 2007 Clinical Oncology Research Conflict of Interest Policy was established, and in order to secure the fairness of the presentations for clinical research at Annual Meetings, conflicts of interest that presenting authors are obligated to disclose the COI status from 2008. Moreover, the guideline enforced from April, 2013, which is called "Oncology Research Conflict of Interest Policy" and it applies not only for clinical research, but also all medical studies including bioscience research, basic medical research, clinical trials.
Matters for which disclosure is required shall be matters
occur from 3 years before abstract submission to the time of
presentation; it
is provided. Please refer to the COI page on Online Abstract Submission system for details, and mark the boxes
match with your status. The amounts for which self-declaration is required are prescribed for each matter
disclosure as follows. Presenting authors who are officers or advisors of companies or for-profit organizations,
the profit from sales of stock, or patent royalties or licensing fees from companies are 1 million yen or more.
Honoraria (such as lecture fees) or report manuscript fees paid by a company are 500,000 yen or more. Report
research funding is 1,000,000 yen or more. For more details about COI, please refer to JSCO Website .
If there is a state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure | If there is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure |
COI Disclosure Sample Form (4:3 Ver.) |
COI Disclosure Sample Form (4:3 Ver.) |
COI Disclosure Sample Form (16:9 Ver.) |
COI Disclosure Sample Form (16:9 Ver.) |